This Christmas was very special to me. It was my Emma's 1st Christmas and Madison is now old enough to really understand Santa and the spirit of giving. Madison received a letter from Santa earlier this month so her excitement began early. She was nice to her sister because Santa was watching and even tried to help Mommy clean because according to Mommy, Santa doesn't like dirty houses. Santa promised a Littlest Pet Shop so that was all she could talk about for weeks.
We spent Christmas Eve in our house baking cookies and waiting for Daddy to get home from work. Once Daddy got home we placed the cookies near the tree and Madison went to bed early. Everyone knows Santa won't come until you're fast asleep. As soon as both girls were down for the night Sam and I wrapped all their gifts. (Yes, we procrastinated) We wrapped Madison's Littlest Pet Shop, Moon Sand, Cupcake Maker, V-tech V Motion system and game, Handy Manny and some clothes. For Emma we wrapped her Leap Frog activity table, clothes, a musical elephant, and some rattles and books.
Madison was our alarm clock on Christmas morning. She came in screaming, "Santa came! Santa came! We have gifts under the tree and he ate all his cookies". So off we went to open gifts. Emma was more interested in the bows and wrapping paper so her siser helped with her gifts.
Later that day we went to Sam's parent's house to exchange our secret Santa gifts and eat tamales. Madison received some soccer gear and shoes from Grandma and Emma a Go Baby Go Infant Activity toy which was a HUGE hit with her. We in turn gave cousin Toni a Gymboree outfit and bath towel and uncle vincent two Texas Tech (yuck) hats.
To cap off the day we took Madison and Emma to the movies to see Marley & Me. Thankfully Emma slept through most of the movie. Madison loved it and now wants a lab. Of course when we saw Beverly Hills Chihuahua she asked for a little Chloe (chihuahua from the movie).
We had a great long day filled with gifts, food and family. What else could a mom ask for.